php-fpm cluttering logfiles with status data

Just noticed that the systemd logfiles on my laptop were filled up with lots of php-fpm messages, something like once every few seconds, reporting that php-fpm process is stillalive, has x items in the queue etc…

Since this is just my laptop and no productive webserver, it makes no sense to have this fine granular status reporting - just costs disk space.

Found a page describing the issue and the fix :

Those who are used to read the release notes have probably noticed a new feature :

  • Add –with-fpm-systemd option to report health to systemd, and systemd_interval option to configure this. The service can now use Type=notify in the systemd unit file. (Remi)

In the service description (unit) file, we now have the line :


This means that systemd will receive start status and health information send by the main php-fpm process. The delay between refresh can be configured using the systemd_interval option (in /etc/php/php-fpm.conf), default is 10" (0 to disable).

Just changed the value to 600 (10 min), restarted and now systemd is quiet !